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DMP Knowledge Base

This section collects useful information about data management plans (DMP) for support personnel.

The page structure is based on the Science Europe DMP Guidance. Each section is annotated and mapped to relevant persistent identifiers, interested stakeholders, project phase, and the RDA Common Standard for maDMP.
Annotations by the project group are indicated as follows:

Guidance text

Furthermore, each section is complemented by more extensive explanations and the DMP guidance from the Research Council of Norway, the DMP template provided by Horizon Europe, theFAIRsFAIR FAIR-Aware Additional Guidance. Provided information and annotations are specific to jurisdiction, stakeholders, and guidance documents in Norway. Policies highlight partners in the ‘DHP støttepakke’ project at the current stage.
As part of the working process, each section also contains guidance texts for researchers from specified sources, and an overview over aspects that will require further explanations for DMP users.

The knowledge base is complemented by the following topics:

DMP stakeholders

A data management plan (DMP) is a structured document that gathers information on the handling of research data throughout the entire lifecycle of a research project. A data management plan is a living document that should be updated as the project develops.
Researchers meet requirements from institutions on research funders that projects must have a DMP. While funders are interested in ensuring that research data in a project contribute to its impact, writing a DMP is also a useful process for researchers and a DMP can function as a hub that connects data-related aspects in a project.
Importantly, the information in a data management plan can also be valuable for third-party actors at different stages of a research project. Automatic exchange of information through machine-actionable data management plans (maDMP) is increasingly gaining attention (see e.g. Miksa, T, Simms, S, Mietchen, D and Jones, S. 2019. Ten Príncipes for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans. PLoS Comput Biol, 15(3): e1006750).

In this project, we have categorised stakeholders into 3 levels (illustrated below as stakeholder pyramid):

Level I: Stakeholders who set requirements

  • Researchers (employed in various structures, at different career levels): Requirements for user-friendliness, academic relevance
  • Institutions: Requirements for maintaining information security & privacy
  • Research funders: Institutions that require DMP, Norwegian/European Research Council: Requirements for Open Science & DMP

Level II: Stakeholders who can offer/use information in DMP

[relevant project phase: planning, implementation, reporting]

Within the institution
  • IT department: Data storage services, information about information security [planning, implementation]
  • Data Protection Officer: Projects with personal data/special category personal data, research ethics guidelines [planning]
  • Research Advisor/Research Administration: Project funding, project results, for evaluation and statistical purposes [planning, reporting]
Support personnel
  • Data Steward (affiliated with research unit, core facility, infrastructure): Planning, data documentation, data storage, data analysis, data sharing [planning, implementation]
  • Research support at the university library: Planning, data documentation, data sharing [planning, implementation]
  • Data Curator (at data archive): data sharing [implementation, reporting]
National/regional services
  • Sigma2: Data storage services, high-performance computing [planning]
  • REK: Projects with health data [planning]
  • SIKT privacy services: Projects with personal data [planning]
  • CRIS/NVA: Project results [reporting]

Level III: Stakeholders without immediate involvement

  • Research community: reuse of research data, transparency in the research process, overview of ongoing projects
  • Industry: re-use of research data
  • Society: transparent and cost-effective research
DMP stakeholders depicted as pyramid with Level 1 (Stakeholders who set requirements) at the top, surrounded by the words Risk reduction, Compliance, User-friendliness & Relevance. Level 2 (Stakeholders who can offer/use information in DMP) in the middle. Level 3 (Stakeholders without immediate involvement) at the bottom

Stakeholder pyramid: DMP stakeholders in Norway.
