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This webpage is a working platform for the project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries led by the University of Bergen and with contributors from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Univesity of Oslo, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, PhD-On-Track, and ELIXIR Norway. The project is supported by the National Library of Norway.

More information

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Project page

More information about the project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries

UB-BOTT-samarbeid om datahåndteringsplaner: kartlegging og anbefalinger

Report and recommendations from a collaborative project by the University libraries in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø on evaluation different DMP tools.

Useful resources

Support services

Find local or discipline specific Data Management experts.

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Nettstedet redigeres av SIKT og gir generell informasjon om åpen forskning, særlig åpen tilgang, og veiledninger til forskere og institusjoner om hvordan man kan publisere, finansiere og få tilgang til forskningsresultater.

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Norwegian resources in RDMkit

Resources, policies and laws relevant for life science data management in Norway in RDMkit

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Welcome with your contributions!

dHMp norge is an open resource created by the University libraries at UiB, NTNU, UiO, UiT, ELIXIR Norway and PhD-on-Track. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this community project or suggest improvements! To cite dHMp, please use the following format:

Datahåndteringsplaner: støttepakke for norske UH-bibliotek. URL: